Secretary’s Message
Hon’ble Secretary
(B.E. Mechanical)
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to our college Sau. KSK alias (Kaku) College of Food Technology & Agriculture, Beed.
These are the days of liberalization, privatization & globalization with economy that is flourishing like never before, sunny days are here again for the students who wish to pursue their career in Food Technology and Agriculture.
The food technology profession is undergoing a major emergence of self-financed B. Tech (Food Tech) colleges under the watchful eye of Maharashtra Council for Agricultural Education & Research (MCAER) Pune and the affiliated agricultural university.
It’s a great feeling to address the new millennials and guide them to choose the right career opportunities.
We consider our college as a place of worship, powerhouse of knowledge, skill and ability and most importantly a campus filled with positivity and passion.
Over the years we have been redefining the future by pushing the frontiers and making education affordable, accessible and adaptable for all. We are extremely proud of our faculty members, non-teaching staff, students and all our industry partners who have believed in our journey. Come, join us to know us better!!
I welcome each one of you to join our mission and experience the inclusive learning environment at KSK College of Food Technology and Agriculture.